Idiot Savant Paints Masterpiece While Locked in His Basement!

Happy New Year, Everyone!

While you were celebrating your Earth Holidays, I have been busy painting. Below are four new works that I decided to share with you before my automaton stores them into my space vehicle. The same robot will upload these images into the Art Gallery section of this site. I’ll need to program it first. These automatons are like pets, aren’t they? Ah, maybe I’m just lonely and sentimental as I write this tonight.

Anyway, I’ve decided to take a break from painting and to do a little more writing. The writers that follow this Blog are getting impatient for a good story. (Really. They wrote me and asked for a “good story”…) So that’s what I intend to give them.

It’s been difficult to paint recently because I’ve been spending large amounts of time sending distress signals to Aarkon via the Tin Foil Hat, which gets in the way while painting.

So now I’ll introduce you to my latest work …


“Last Cookout” – 48 x 36”

I had created a similar, but more simplistic painting of this same subject: the forest fire. It was titled: “Campfire Memories”. This new painting is a more detailed representation of the same old fire.  Ooooh. Can’t you just feel the heat? …


“Crocs Crowding Canvass” – 36 x 24”


This is as close as I will ever get to painting a green landscape.




“Red Heads” – 60 x 48”

It’s like one of those puzzles in kid’s magazines where they ask you if you can find the minute differences in the illustrated faces. My neighbor stood in our living room for over forty minutes staring at it and commenting on the variation he discovered between the faces. He usually smells like weed, so that explains it a little, but FORTY minutes! This is a real conversation piece …


“Machine-gunned Zebra – 48 x 24”

All right. I confess that this could be considered a little dark … even for me. What interested me was illustrating in red, black and white. I added the yellow to the sky just so whoever bought this would know how to hang it. Anyway, if you think this is bad, you should’ve seen the sketches of “Penguin Shooting Gallery” …

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