Where Ya’ Been?

My last communication was about the bachelor party I attended and my near death experience caused by the exotic dancer, Finger Lickin. If you missed it, it’s still on this Blog titled: The Party’s Over.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASince that time I have been fighting the disease Leukemia. The doctors have been punching holes into my Aarkonian flesh and bone. They measure and scratch their heads. They meet with each other, they collaborate, they sit at a table and stare at each other while scratching their heads, and finally agree on a diagnosis: “Whatever this thing is, it’s got a couple of Earth years left to live.”

I’m not convinced. We Aarkonians are a tough bunch. So, I’ve sent a distress signal to my home and have now resumed my mission: (Please pinch your nose here and slowly read the next sentence out loud:) “To observe the American Earthlings and report my findings to the King of Aarkon.” Continue reading