I lifted my grandson off a carousel with one arm while at the zoo. He’s a fifty pound four-year old. It was easy until I twisted my body to set him on the ground. I felt pain in my side immediately, but nothing that a few Ibuprofen wouldn’t cure. So I vowed to take it easy for a few days and heal.
After two weeks the pain had seemed to move. It was still on my left side only lower. While lying on my back, I felt a lump below my ribs near my abdomen and asked my wife, Jennifer, to inspect me. She went to work on me after I assured her that this wasn’t just another sexual come-on, and she confirmed my findings. So I made an appointment with a nurse.
Call me disrespectful if you need to, but I view medical people – doctors, nurses, and technicians as auto mechanics. So, I guess you can say that I view my body as an auto. I’m like an old Cadillac with a little rust and a need for a muffler. After the customary smile and handshake, the nurse got right down to business by measuring my vitals and questioning me regarding my side pain. I spoke to her in unemotional flat tones and explained that, because of past and recent nightmares, I was pretty sure that I had an alien baby growing inside of me. She gave me that bored humorless look, that I’ve seen so often in my life, then asked me to unbutton my shirt and lay back on the exam table. After kneading my flesh like a bowl of bread dough, she shook her head and sent me down to the X-ray department where I asked the technician if the X-Rays would harm my baby. The Techie played along by saying she didn’t think so. She assured me that she would only take a few shots with a low dose of the ray. On the way out of her area I had the final word and told her that I thought her careless use of the powerful beam had sent my alien baby into a growth mode, and if something dire happened to the Earth, it was on her shoulders. Continue reading →
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