Artist Finds Success With Dinner Illustrations

Obscure artist, Tom Hicks, has recently sold two paintings rumored to be in the millions!

Businesses in downtown Waukesha were buzzing last week as Tom Hicks walked from tavern to bar in his newly purchased tuxedo with checkbook in hand. Stunned proprietors and bartenders up and down Main Street commented on the artist’s recent sales of his latest works.

“He had that new suit on and really looked nice. Smelled good, too. Usually he smells like cigar smoke, bourbon and, well, like wet carpeting. I was set to throw him out of the bar again until he got out that checkbook and paid off his tab from the last couple of months.” Said James (Toots) Riley at the Peoples Park Restaurant. Continue reading

Idiot Savant Paints Masterpiece While Locked in His Basement!

Happy New Year, Everyone!

While you were celebrating your Earth Holidays, I have been busy painting. Below are four new works that I decided to share with you before my automaton stores them into my space vehicle. The same robot will upload these images into the Art Gallery section of this site. I’ll need to program it first. These automatons are like pets, aren’t they? Ah, maybe I’m just lonely and sentimental as I write this tonight.

Anyway, I’ve decided to take a break from painting and to do a little more writing. The writers that follow this Blog are getting impatient for a good story. (Really. They wrote me and asked for a “good story”…) So that’s what I intend to give them.

It’s been difficult to paint recently because I’ve been spending large amounts of time sending distress signals to Aarkon via the Tin Foil Hat, which gets in the way while painting.

So now I’ll introduce you to my latest work … Continue reading